Flower Subscriptions ➔


Affectionately called ‘lizzies’, lisianthus possess the elegance of wedding bouquet flowers! Yes, these exceptional blooms are in our Sensational Summer bouquet subscriptions! Super long vase life holds great appeal for flower farmers and subscription customers alike.

Lisianthus are s…l…o…w growing. Plugs are started in a greenhouse and shipped to our door. After planting, lisianthus look like they aren’t growing. At all! They stay in little rosettes for weeks, focusing on strengthening their root system. Finally, they begin to stretch up. Luckily, these plants have great disease resistance. Aphids and fungal diseases, thankfully, leave lisianthus alone.

Since this is our first season growing lisianthus, stay tuned for pics of our mature blooms. Only a week or two more…

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