Bouquet Subscriptions ➔

hi there.

Welcome to Country Gal Flower Farm!

I thoroughly enjoy creating your bouquets with premium blooms grown on our small-scale flower farm!

 I didn’t always grow cut flowers for bouquet subscription customers. I grew up on a rutabaga farm, so intensive, hands-on crop care is not new to me. The joy I feel while nurturing and harvesting the most gorgeous crop ever (a.k.a. cut flowers) still amazes me.

I invite you to experience the joy of local flowers for yourself through our subscription-based market-style bouquets. You pay for your bouquet subscription in advance. We cheerfully create your market-style bouquets with premium, locally grown blooms. You pick up your weekly bouquets each Saturday for the duration of your subscription.

Where to pick-up? Country Gal Flower Farm’s Roadside Stand OR Ace Country Store in Exeter. You choose. 

~Melanie Jeffrey

I didn’t see myself growing cut flowers for bouquet subscription customers even 5 years ago. During the spring of 2020, I had extra time on my hands, so I delved into growing strawberries. I thought, that could be fun! It certainly was. However, picking this low-hanging fruit near the ground was becoming a challenge.

Then I stumbled upon a Youtube video about growing cut flowers on a small scale. After binge-watching a few episodes, I was hooked. I thought…

Maybe I could try that...

Looking for something, anything, that could work as a sort of roadside stand, I noticed an old, rusty cart with one good wheel behind the barn. I wondered if we could refresh the worn out relic with new plywood, a new tire and a fresh coat of paint. to make a roadside stand. My husband, Bill, was a little skeptical about my plan, but willing to help. This was the beginning of our roadside flower stand today. 

I am humbled by the beauty our Creator allows us to experience through flowers. It is my desire for you to experience the beauty of local flowers for yourself!

Not for a blooming second do I do this flower venture alone. I am grateful to my husband for his encouragement to ‘get ‘er done’ when I start to overthink. He’s the grunt and muscle behind an ornery rototiller that may or may not start at first pull. My teenagers have helped haul the ‘flower wagon’ out the lane countless times.

Thank you to Melissa, at Ace Country Store in Exeter, for being willing to be a pick up location for our subscription customers who choose this option. My hope is that this simplifies the pick up process for customers already running errands in Exeter on Saturday mornings. Of course, you are welcome to take a scenic drive on Saturday mornings to our roadside stand at 69490 Babylon Line to pick up your bouquets as well. 

Want to know more about our premium blooms?